Friday, August 08, 2008

Thunder and Lightning

Man, we’ve got some freaky weather going on lately.

Yesterday started out with clear blue skies: a bright sunny day. People were smiling and everybody was chipper.

Then, out of nowhere, we have HAIL coming down! It was bouncing off the window sill – which was very puzzling at first. I initially thought it was bouncing off the street all the way up to the window, but then I remembered that we are up on the 8th floor. That would be quite the bounce!

On the drive home, it started to rain so hard my windshield wipers couldn’t keep up with it. It was like driving thru a hurricane or something. Thunder and lightning added a whole new element of fear to it all.

I had to stop at the grocery store, which meant running from the parking lot to the building while being pelted by raindrops the size of gumballs. They even set off my car alarm, which meant I had to go back out in the elements to turn it off, since my magic button (the one on my key chain that turns it on and off) doesn’t work unless you’re right up next to the car.

Once inside, you could barely hear above the sound of all that rain coming down on the metal roof. People were walking around with a spooked look in they eyes – we’re not used to storms like this!

By the time I got home, it was back to being clear, blue skies again.

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