Thursday, August 21, 2008

Lap Full O' Cats

So, last night I tried something different.

Alien keeps me up at night with his yowling, so I thought I would preempt his actions by waking him up right when I got home after dinner and tiring him out so he’d sleep thru the night. I took him to the couch to watch the last half of CSI:NY with me, and snuggled with him for half an hour.

Djuna kept trying to get up on my shoulder like she always does, but she’s very unsure about the alien (he smells funny) so just sat on the floor and complained. Finally, she gave this huff – as if to say, “Oh, all right.” - and came up to my shoulder anyway.

I had Alien on my left side, Djuna on my right side, and their bodies were snuggled up together in my lap. We all three of us sat there like that for a good 15 minutes!

And yes, Alien slept thru the night – at least until about 5:30 this morning, when he woke up and started in on the yowling again…

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