Friday, January 06, 2012

The Roommate and The Dog

So, the whole roommate thing has been an interesting experience, to say the least. As you might recall in a previous posting, he moved in temporarily and then went and got a puppy.

Well, that didn’t go over very well and came damn close to breaking us up completely. He ended up moving out, which brought a whole new set of emotional problems with it (but that’s a whole other story that I don’t really want to get in to here).

Then, over the Christmas holiday, he and his kids moved into a third place for a week. Meanwhile, his stuff is still in both my place AND his other place – and he’s living out of a duffle bag at the third place.

Once his kids went back home he had intended to move back in to the second place, but the owner of the spare room he’s occupying needed some privacy for her and her boyfriend for a while - so he’s back at my place.

Is this confusing or what?

The long and the short of it is that I, once again, have a roommate and a dog temporarily living with me. And by the way, the dog’s new nick-name is The Poop Machine. I’ll leave that to your imagination, only saying that thankfully they’re moving out either tonight or tomorrow!

And of course, his closing date got pushed back yet again.

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