Sunday, October 28, 2007


For over a year now, the local phone service company has been trying to convert my system over to their "new and improved version." At first, I went along with them: I set an appointment, took off work to meet them at the house, and four times IN A ROW nobody showed up.

Naturally, I was not pleased. So I decided to simply ignore them from then on. I didn't really need to switch over anyway: I was perfectly happy with my service as it was.

About 9 months pass and I get yet another message from them on my answering machine, this time offering 3 months free. So I figured: “What the heck - I'll try it again.”

I very politely called them back on the number they provided and explain my situation only to be told I should actually be calling a different number: a local one rather than an 800 number. So when I finally get thru to the person who is actually able to handle me, I tell them my story again about the four missed appointments, all the time off work, and the hassle and what not, and she is very sympathetic.

She gives me not only a new appointment (this time on a Saturday to ensure that I will not have to take time off work to be there) And the 3 months free as advertised in their phone call, but also credited my account $20.00 to try to make amends for all my pain & suffering.

Who can beat that?

So, you'll never guess what I did today. I totally forgot about the appointment and was gone when the repair man showed up!!!

Honestly, it was not on purpose! And of course now I'm either going to have to suck it up and live with the inferior phone service or call them back and explain that this time it was MY fault and may we please try a sixth time?

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