Monday, September 09, 2024

It's That Time OF Year Again = APPLES!

Today is the day! The day the apples arrive! I love today!

My sister Noel sent them to my house, delivered by the elderly couple who grows them. When I answered the knock on my door, the lady introduced herself and apologized that there weren’t as many as in previous years – and then she proceeded to haul in box after box after box, all full of sweet juicy apples! I do believe that Noel is supposed to come get some for herself – otherwise a lot of these will go to waste.

Unfortunately, Bryan and and I have our Weekend Get-Away in 3 days, so we won’t have time to deal with these. I’m hoping we get the bulk of them before we leave, at the very least. Heck, we don’t even have any jars/lids left… we will have to go to 3 Bears after work today and stock up.

We have to peel & slice a batch or two for my Apple Pie Filling (I eat that on our Sunday Sourdough Pancakes), slice but not peel a batch or two for Apple Sauce, and slice but not peel a batch or two for Apple Juice.

It’s gonna be some late nights at my house for a while.

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