Monday, September 02, 2024


We had a lot of good food while on vacation in Iceland. Just wanted to share our experience with you a bit.

Our first meal in Reykjavik was at a Food Court type place, with all different restaurants you could pick & choose from. We ended up at Truno’s where Bryan had their Fish & Chips while I had their Truno’s Sandwich.

When we got to Skogafoss the next night, we ate at pretty much the only restaurant within a 10-mile radius of our hostel, which turned out to be quite good. Bryan had a rack of Lamb while I tried the Arctic Char. Both meals were very tasty, so we finished with a Blood Orange Crème Brulé that was exquisite.

I can’t remember what town we were in, but we stopped for some food at this one really nice place – but I ended up ordering the risotto and absolutely hated it. It sounded good, but I just could not eat it at all. Bryan’s lamb chops were quite tasty, and he let me eat his potatoes, so I had some food at least.

In Vik, a town we absolutely loved, we ate at The Soup Company – where they served a Soup Flight! You could pick three different kinds of soup to taste, and then pick another completely different three types of soup! Or, if you found one you really liked the first time, you could just have a regular sized bowl of that. All for one price! That was too much food for me, so I just stuck with my original three – Bryan went for his second helping of three.

Another meal in Vik was at this little roadside shack. The guy had just enough room in there for his griddle to make THE BEST CREPES!!! I had one with Nutella & Bananas while Bryan at a Ham & Cheese one. Soooo good!

Back in Reykjavik for another dinner, we could not decide on just one place – so we ate at two places! The Mai Thai Bistro gave me a very tasty curry full of veggies & tofu (sorry, I forgot to take a picture), and then we went across the street to 2 Guys Hamburger for Bryan’s meal.  

Our fist meal on the island of Vestmannaeyjar was at the Tanginn Bar & Grille. I ate a lovely curry full of chickpeas and sweet potatoes, while Bryan got adventurous and ordered Whale Meat. It was from a Minke Whale, fished in Norwegian waters (where it’s legal) – and it was honestly pretty good. We had a couple drinks with our desert while we were there, just to celebrate the beginning of our first Earthwatch Expedition together.

Our final meal with just the two of us was back at Vik – we loved that town so much we just had to go visit one more time. This was a little roadhouse type place that served what they called an “Irish Breakfast”. There was more food on that plate than I knew what to do with!




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