Monday, September 02, 2024

Apple Butter

We had 3 gallon-sized zip-loc bags of apple sauce in the freezer from last year’s batch of apples (thank you Noel!) so had to do something with them before this year’s batch of apples arrive. Making apple butter is easy enough, but this means that now we will have to make sourdough bread to eat it on. That’s what I call a good problem!

Anyway, the recipe we used called for ground allspice, but the only allspice I could find in the house was whole – so I had to get the mortar & pestle out to grind some up. Boy does that smell good!

After mixing it all up, you basically just cook it down in a slow cooker until all the moisture is gone.

After that, it’s just a matter of canning it and restocking your pantry.

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