Saturday, May 11, 2024

Earthwatch Presentation(s)

My presentation to the Palmer Historical Society went very well last week. I’m quite happy with how it turned out!

It was held at the Palmer Moose Lodge. One would assume that since I have lived in Palmer for well over 30 years, I might have at least once actually been inside the lodge before – but I really don’t remember it and didn’t recognize anything about it. I didn’t even know where it was and had to look it up on Google Maps. But since it’s right downtown Palmer, it was very easy to find. I overestimated how long it would take to get there so we had to sit and wait a good fifteen minutes for someone to arrive and let us in to the space where the meetings are held.

Once we got in, however, setup went very smoothly and quickly. I had a table up front to display my photo albums, and another table for the computer equipment. Sheri manned the projector for me during my talk – which was a bit weird at first. I had to remember to tell her each time I wanted a new slide up on the screen. She did a good job, however, so I eventually didn’t even have to think about it.

The audience was predominantly the “Over 70s” crowd, but I did have a few classmates show up. I recognized more than a few of them, and all of them came up to talk to me afterwards. One lady thought I was selling the books, so I had to explain that they were my personal photos – not story books.

I even got an invitation to give another presentation! This time to a classroom for Earth Day. That was on Monday of this week – and was another great presentation. I showed the same slideshow but modified my talk to make it more interesting to a classroom of kids.

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