Saturday, May 11, 2024

My Big Project

I attended a free online event a while back called the Paper Crafters Get Organized Summit: 3 days of presentation videos, live Q&A sessions, product giveaways, and Facebook community parties.

It was interesting, I’ll say that much. If you know me at all, you’ll know that I am just a teensy bit OCD about being neat and tidy (I am my mother’s daughter, after all) so one might ask why I was interested in the summit at all. Most of what I saw that weekend was things I already knew and was doing. I did learn some new things, however, so all in all the weekend was a success. Since most of it was pre-recorded; I could watch the presentations on my own time. I did not attend any of the live Q&A sessions, but I did attend one or two of the Facebook events.

One of the presentations I watched was on ideas for storing dies. I have a lot of dies for my die-cutting, and the system I currently use for organizing and storing them all works perfectly well – but I think one of the techniques I saw might be a great addition to my Craft Room. So, I logged in to Amazon and ordered the supplies I need. Now I just need to assemble everything.

First, I’ll cut this 12” wide roll of magnetic material down to 9” sheets; I’ll need 20 of them. I should be able to do that easily enough with a straight edge and my X-Acto knife, although once I have one cut, I may be able to use that one as a template and cut the rest of them with a pair of scissors.

Then I’ll punch holes in them with my 3-hole punch. This will require me to notch half an inch off the side of each sheet, since the 3-hole punch is not 9” wide. Being the anal OCD person that I am, I will of course measure out the notch so that it’s perfectly a half inch on each side, but again – once I have one sheet cut, I can use it as a template to cut the other 19.

Next, I’ll take this double-sided tape and adhere the chip boards to the magnetic material – or maybe adhere the magnetic material to the chip boards? I’m not sure which will be the easiest to do. I want the boards snug to one side (the side without the holes) but centered so that there’s half inch of overlap on top and bottom. I might even adhere strips of magnetic material onto the back of each page to be able to use both sides of the pages!

Once I have all the pages put together, I can put 10 pages into each binder and start arranging my dies! Then, of course, I will have to rearrange my existing storage system to accommodate the absence of all the dies that got moved into the binders.

I'll make sure and update you all on how the project goes when I actually assemble all the pieces/parts!

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