Friday, December 30, 2022

Paint Night

It’s been a while since Bryan and I had a Date Night together, so when I saw this event on Facebook I went ahead and signed us up: Paint Night at the Headless Horseman (a pizzeria a the Sleepy Hallow Golf Course).

First of all, I did not know there was a golf course way out there in Wasilla. And it was way out there, too. Bryan’s phone kept telling us “at the next road, turn left (or right) and drive for another 5 miles”. We just kept driving, and driving, and driving – winding our way back into the woods for almost an hour! It sure was a beautiful setting once we finally got there, though. We’ll definitely have to go back one day in the summertime!

The Headless Horseman is a small building with maybe 6 tables. The pizza was okay – I personally did not like it, but Bryan loved it – so really it could go either way with you. The people running the place and hosting the paint night were wonderful: very nice and accommodating. Their whole concept behind the event was trying to find ways to keep their business going through the winter months. Let’s face it: not a lot of golfing happens in the winter months.

Oddly enough, the paint instructions were on video! I had expected a live person, so it was strange to just watch a video. Our host would stop the video whenever we needed to catch up, and would rewind it occasionally so we could verify what step we’d missed or what color paint we were supposed to be using.

Painting really is not Bryan’s thing. He stresses out really easily if it doesn’t look just so, or if he can’t quite get the instructions. But he did really good – his painting turned out just as good (if not better) than mine! I am so thankful that he does things like this with me…

1 comment:

  1. Heather Amgwert9:39 PM

    I love them! I’ve only done one paint night and it was fun. Maybe we can have a girls night and do one.
