Thursday, January 24, 2013

Being Open to Possibilities

I believe in keeping an open mind. Things sometimes happen that you do not expect, and if you’re not paying attention you might miss an opportunity for something new and wonderful. Of course, it might also lead you down the wrong road – so you still have to keep your wits about you. But I do try to stay open to new ideas, at the very least.

That being said: twice now in as many weeks I have come across a rather interesting proposal. Well, two proposals, actually – but each one dealing with the same subject. And I’m inclined to believe that “something” is in the air - some “change” is about to take place. I can either choose to go with it, or not.

Specifically, I’ve been “approached” by members of the same sex hinting at the possibility of budding relationships.

Now, I am not lesbian, by any means. Nor am I homophobic or a “gay basher” in the slightest. I truly believe that if a person is able to find love and have the complement returned to them in kind – it really doesn’t matter if it’s a man and a woman, a man and a man, or a woman and a woman. My own personal line would be drawn at relationships with members of another species!

Still, if I were to see where this particular trail leads too, it would be with the caveat that I am simply not interested in a romantic and/or sexual relationship. But it’s entirely possible that I might find out something about myself that can assist me in my life’s quest.

So, what should I do? 

Any advice?

1 comment:

  1. Sarah7:18 AM

    I would say if you're interested, even in seeing where things go on a deeper friends-only level, or even something more, go for it! But it would be good to be open and honest about your intentions or hesitations from the start so you're both on the same page :)
