Monday, May 23, 2011

Water Fight!

I was sitting on the couch relaxing after eating a stack of sourdough pancakes (with cranberries!) for breakfast, when he came up to me with the watering can in hand. He was doing the weekly plant-watering chore, and since there was a plant right beside the couch I thought nothing of it.

He watered me!

He SAYS he just intended to “pretend” to water me, but I have my doubts. He actually poured water all over my lap, and then said “Oops!”

I of course had to retaliate.

I tried to take the watering can from him, but he wouldn’t let go of it. We were in the kitchen by then, so I simply took his hand and made the water slosh out.

Of course, it got all over me and barely a drop got on to him. So I did it again, this time getting more of it on him. The watering can holds quite a bit of water, by the way.

In the end we both got soaked, and the kitchen floor got a good washing, too.

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