Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Thar She Blows!

When I was in high school I went on a trip on the mission boat that our church had. We spent two weeks out in the southeastern islands, going from island to island delivering mail, parcels, ministry, whatever people needed. Some of those people live all by themselves on an island out in the middle of the ocean and never see another human being except for their yearly trip to resupply.

The trip was spectacular. The boat was just big enough for the 16 of us. There were times where we couldn’t see any land off to one side of us, but always had land in sight off the other side.

One time, we were putzing along minding our own business, when we saw some whales (probably humpbacks). We stopped the engine so we could watch them. They actually came over to us to check us out! We counted at least 19 of them!! They were HUGE and would come up and bump the boat, then roll over to eye us – trying to figure out what we were. We could look down over the side and look them in the eye. Such intelligence!

It was surreal… It was also scary = they were a good three times our size, and there were a lot of them. They could have easily capsized us with just a flip of their tails.

After a couple hours, they just drifted off on their way to wherever they were going.

On another instance during that same trip, we came across three humpbacks that were feeding. They had gathered a whole school of fish together by creating the bubble net, and were lunging thru the middle of it with their mouths open, taking in great huge gulps of water and fish. Really something to see!

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