Friday, March 16, 2012


I have an Earthwatch Presentation this weekend – as I’m sure you already know because you are an avid follower of my blog!

Anyway, in preparing for this presentation I brought my laptop in to work so I can take care of any updates required. I am able to access the internet for free at work (wi-fi) plus I can just have it going on behind me while I work, so it doesn’t matter how long it takes.

So far, I have downloaded 15 Windows updates, and it is currently chugging away at 29 other miscellaneous updates. And that's just the first round of checking - if this is anything like the last time, I will have a bunch more once these are done.

While I was at it I went ahead and copied all my photos from the Amazon, putting them in the files next to the photos from Costa Rica, Mongolia, Africa and Nova Scotia. I guess I am using my laptop as a back-up storage for all my pictures – well, the important ones at least.

Once I get the power-point finished (it mostly is) I will copy that onto there as well. Then I will be ready!

1 comment:

  1. Yay!

    P.S. We have a paracress (toothache plant) for you whenever you're ready for it :)
