Monday, January 19, 2009

Human Anatomy & Physiology

My class is progressing nicely, now that I'm back in to it.

Theoretically, I should have been doing it all throughout my enforced "vacation" (otherwise known as Unemployment) but just could not get motivated.

Now that I'm back at work, I have a structured lunch hour - the perfect time to read thru the book and study up for the tests. I take the tests on my home computer, but read the material here at the office.

I am holding an average of about 88% so far, which correlates to a B+. Not bad for somebody who never went to college!

Chapter One gave me an introduction to the human body.
Chapter Two taught me about the chemical level of organization.
Chapter Three covered the cellular level of organization.
Chapter Four talked about the tissue level of organization.
Chapter Five was about the Integumentary System, or the Skin
Chapter Six moved on to the skeletal system
Chapter Seven focused on the axial skeletal system
Chapter Eight focused on the appendicular skeletal system

I'm just now finishing up Chapter Nine which covers the joints. The next chapter will be on muscles and muscle tissue.

This is truly fascinating stuff, and I have great respect for people who take this class for real (as opposed to simply reading thru the book at home and taking on-line open-book tests off the internet like I'm doing).

This is HARD!

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