Monday, September 14, 2020

W. T. F. !!

I just don’t even know what to do with this one.

We told the yard people to clean up the yard and remove all the plants in the back along the fence by the gate.

We then told the yard people to go back and do the job the right way, because the first time they were there they did not.

So what did they do? They removed all of the plants. ALL of them. Including my precious Mock Orange. The one that was taller than my house.

Just… ugh…


On a more positive note - the property management company had a showing this weekend and the people put a deposit down! Now all they have to do is go through the application process and we just might have it rented already!


  1. OMG, NOT the mock orange! I always think of you when I see my little mock orange plants as I'd never even heard of them before meeting you. I am so sorry that they did that!! GRRRRR.

  2. Definitely one of the harder things I have had to tell Ruth. I couldn’t believe it when I saw it ;-(
