Monday, August 03, 2009


I know, I know. I’m not supposed to have a birdfeeder out during the summer months due to bear activities in the area. But there hasn’t been a bear sighting in my neighborhood in over two years, and the girls just love it.

One of the superfluous expenses I’ve had to do away with, what with the whole unemployment thing and all, is the luxury of having my yard maintained by a professional. I can’t mow it myself because of my back injury, so the yard has gone native this year. I love it! The back yard in particular is just wonderful. Fireweed has sprouted up all over the place, even coming up between the floor boards of the deck. This allows the birds to feel safe and protected (rather than being out in the open) so they are coming to the birdfeeder a lot more than I’ve ever seen before. They hop around on the deck, coming right up to the screen door at times, even.

My girls are beyond excited, let me tell you. They sit there, glued to the screen door, and just quiver with excitement. Oh, they want one so bad! Both of them make that chattering noise, and their big eyes get even bigger when a bird gets close to them.

Thank goodness I have a screen door, or I’d be cleaning up feathers all day long. Not that I would let them outside, however. But still – given the opportunity, I’m sure both girls would be great hunters. Well, maybe not Junie… she’s a bit of a klutz. Thing, however, would make a deadly hunter, I’m sure.

I’m not the most experienced birdwatcher in the state – anyone can verify that for you. But, according to the bird book I have, I’m getting chickadees, junkos, warblers, sparrows, and even the occasional Steller’s jay!

1 comment:

  1. elizabeth2:40 PM

    Please take a picture (or three) of the chattering, tail twitching, want to be hunters! Good for you for letting your yard go native. I bet it is beautiful.
