Friday, February 13, 2009

The Worst Snow Storm EVER

Several years ago, my sister had her 40th birthday. Her husband arranged a surprise dinner for her and invited the entire family to celebrate with them - that's about 25-30 people!

I drove in from out of town to attend the event. It was in December and there was a snowstorm brewing as I came in. Mother kept telling me that I should stay at her house and drive home the next day in daylight, but I wanted to get home and sleep in my own bed.

That had to be the worst snow storm ever I have ever seen in 40 years of living in Alaska! The snow was so thick I couldn't see the front of my own car. A drive that normally takes me 45 minutes took well over 3 hours.

The ONLY thing that got me home that night was the car in front of me. I don't know what kind of car it was because all I could see were the tail lights, and only every once in a while. I kept my eyes focused on those lights, hoping and praying the whole time that I would stay on the road and not loose myself in a ditch somewhere.

The most amazing thing about that night was that those lights took me all the way home! TO MY DOOR practically! I never knew who that was - but I suspect it was my guardian angle working overtime that night.

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