Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Weekend Camping Trip

Bryan and I got a killer deal on an RV rental so decided to take advantage of it and go on a 5-day camping trip up north to Tangle Lakes.

The deal was through Go North Car and RV Rentals: 50% off their normal rates for Alaskan residents! Their normal clientele are Europeans, but with the whole COVID thing going on their entire fleet was just sitting there in the parking lot. We would not have been able to afford it otherwise; renting an RV is not cheap.

We picked our RV up on Friday and headed out that afternoon. We got to Tangle Lakes by around 9:30 that night only to find that the campground was full. We ended up driving a few more miles up the  Denali Highway where we found a nice little pull-off on the side of the road that had a good view and was somewhat protected from traffic on the road.


We stayed there for two nights, then moved on to a different spot for one night, and yet another spot for the final night. We pulled in to Palmer Tuesday morning with just enough time to unload all our gear and clean up the RV a bit before turning it back in to the rental agency.


Sadly, I ended up with a very bad migraine which pretty much blew the entire trip. I was so bummed!


But we did manage a few light walks on some trails nearby and was able to do a little bit of berry picking. Bryan explored the lakes nearby our camping spots and got to get some fishing in. The kittens (Viktor and Naldo went with us) kept me entertained in the camper while he was gone.


  1. With the RV...what rain, what wind...that part was really nice!

  2. What beautiful countryside! And in a very posh camper with all the comforts of home (including your two cats!).

  3. I'm sorry you had a migraine. So glad I don't suffer with those. I've had only a couple in my entire life and I remember all I want to do is lay in a dark room with absolutely no stimulus whatsoever.
