Thursday, September 12, 2019

Family: Tara

Tara is my oldest niece, and was born with the most amazing mind. I loved watching her grow up and discover the world, trying to figure things out and determine her place in the scheme of things.

You know how kids are always asking question: Why is the sky blue? How does an airplane stay up in the air? What makes a coke fizzy? How many bees live in that nest up there?

Each time she would ask me something like that, I would turn the table on her and ask, “Well, what do you think?” and she would always reply with some long complicated explanation that made perfect sense even to me. She was rarely ever correct, but her replies always sounded amazingly logical.

As most kids do, she had some difficulty pronouncing some letters as she learned the English language, and to this day I quote her often saying “Tometimes I do, and Tometimes I don’t.”

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