Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 in Review

This has been one doozey of a year. I say this every year, it seems – and yet each successive year just gets doozier and doozier. I tell you, I am ready for BORING!  

It started out well enough: I got to spend 3 weeks in Peru on-board a riverboat on the Amazon River. I volunteered with Earthwatch on another scientific expedition, this time studying the Pink River Dolphin. It was quite awesome, needless to say. I even got to come home with an exotic bug bite! Who wouldn't love that?

Then the year kind of leveled out and was neither exciting nor boring. I only wish it had stayed that way. In early May it started the whole domino effect thing – just one after another, each one getting worse and worse.

Most notably were my two surgeries. Thankfully each one went off without a hitch, unless you count throwing up for 24 hours afterwards a hitch (which, come to think of, I do). However, two major surgeries in a row, plus all the required physical therapy afterwards to help heal really tend to take a toll on ones body.

To say nothing of the pocket book: so far (not all the PT is done) I’m looking at One Hundred Thirty Three Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty Dollars and Ninety Six Cents!!! That would be $133,920.96 for you math minded people. Insurance has been great, picking up the bulk of that amount so that I only have to come up with $11,115.16 – but that’s still a financial stressor to add on to the physical stressors mentioned above.

Then of course there’s the emotional stressors – can’t forget them.  First of which is the fact that he has well and truly left me. Somehow I had convinced myself that he would never do that – but he did. I’m having a very difficult time accepting that fact, and find myself in tears at random moments throughout the day. All day. Every day.

And finally, to put the cherry on top of this blankety-blank year, an event that was so hoped for and so joyously anticipated turned about as sour as it can turn. I am talking about my nephew Hayden, who blessed us with his presence for only two and a half short days.  This was such an unexpected turn of events: his sister Tabitha was supposed to be the one with medical issues, not Hayden. Thankfully, Tabitha is fine. She is home with her parents and is gaining weight every day.

So forgive me if I don’t close with the obligatory “Happy New Year!” wishes, and instead let me ask you to wish me A BORING NEW YEAR

Because honestly, I don’t think I can take another year like this one. I just can’t’.


  1. Oh Ruth, I'm so sorry to hear about Hayden.

  2. I hope 2013 is indeed boring--with a few great moments thrown in. And I hope your family will stay strong and make it through this awful time; keep your head up, lady!
