Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Update on My Jaw

Apparently when I injured myself in Mongolia, I really injured myself.

My doctor now believes that I bled out - not that we're talking gallons of blood or anything quite so dramatic as that. Just enough to form a pocket of blood, which was popped during that last physical therapy session. She said the odds of something like that happening were about a million to one. Don't you know I'd be that one! She also said the force of that "explosion" was equal to about 900mph = no wonder my body went into a form of shock!

What she didn't really understand was why the response was so delayed? Normally, the reaction should have been immediately after the popping, and with mine it waited long enough for me to walk out of the office and drive back to work. If she had known what was going on she would never have let me leave.

The good news is that I'm that much farther along in the healing process and will be discharged next time I go in!


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