Saturday, April 02, 2022

Did I Say That Out Loud?

Back in my younger days I had not yet learned to think before I speak, so more often than not my mouth would get me in to trouble. Thankfully I have (finally) learned to keep my thoughts to myself – but here are a few examples of me putting my foot in my mouth:


One time when I worked at the pipeline, I headed upstairs to talk to the engineer who’s drawing I was working on at the time. When I got there, he was telling a story to his buddies about the horseback riding he and his wife had done that weekend, commenting on how sore he was today. I opened my mouth and said, “Well, now you know how us women feel all the time.”


Another time, I was sitting at the dinner table at our company’s Christmas party, talking to the President of the company – and I proceeded to tell him that “I go home and play with my Thing every night.” What he didn’t know was that Thing was the name of my cat.


And finally, there is the time where I was having issues with my annual PAP smear so kept having to go back in to the doctor’s office to get yet another one done. One day during all of this, I happened to go to lunch with some friends of mine at a local Thai restaurant. Right as we were walking in, my doctor was walking out with a bunch of his friends. He said something like, “Oh! Imagine running in to you here!” and I said, “Well, at least I get to keep my clothes on this time.”


Feel free to share your stories in the comments below!

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