Saturday, March 13, 2021

My Senior Prom

Do you remember your high school prom? 

I remember being so excited about it. My boyfriend at the time was from Talkeetna and was a year older than I was, but he agreed to take me since I had gone to his with him.

I picked out some beautiful deep maroon silk material and an elegant dress pattern for Mother to make my gown for me.

I had my hair done at the salon (which coincidentally was the same salon my sister ended up buying a decade later) so I would be so pretty.

About half an hour before time to go, I was all dressed up and sitting at the hearth in the kitchen watching out the window for his car to come down the driveway.

An hour and a half later, Mother finally convinced me to go with her down to the hotel for a cup of hot chocolate. He never did come down the driveway.

Yup. I was stood up for my high school prom.

Three days later, I got a phone call from him saying that he'd gotten a job up on the slope. I honestly don't think he even remembered that he was supposed to take me to my prom - and I never told him.