Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How Do You Spell Relief?

First the bad news:
     The $30,550.00 figure that I got from the doctor for my neck surgery is only for his services. There will be separate bills from the hospital, the anesthesiologist, the nurses, the janitors, the candy striper, the drug supplier – pretty much anybody who even glances in my direction while I’m in the hospital. I had thought my bill would only be $10,037.95… but no – that’s only part of it…

Now the good news:
     My insurance has a yearly Out of Pocket Maximum of $5,500, which includes my deductible of $2,500.00. On top of that, the company I work for will reimburse a major portion of that deductible ($2,000.00); so, in reality, my expenses will only be about $3,000.00 = FOR EVERYTHING!

Maybe I can afford that new car after all…?


  1. Anonymous5:43 AM


  2. Anonymous6:23 AM

    That is EXCELLENT news!!!


  3. Heather7:16 AM

    Oh my gosh, that's awesome news!!!!

  4. That IS excellent news... though maybe wait until after surgery expenses are billed before making a large (car) purchase, just in case :) Yay! for being insured & working for a lovely employer!!!
