Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Baby Squirrel

I got to see the baby squirrel playing this morning!

The mother has been helping herself to my bird feeder all spring, eating 4 entire cakes of suit all by herself. It gets expensive replacing them all the time, but seeing the little one playing this morning made it all worthwhile.

Do squirrels have more than one baby at a time? And where do they nest: in a hole in the tree?

I know which tree it is now, assuming the baby was playing near its home: it’s a nice tall birch tree in the back corner of my yard. That’s not exactly the type of tree that is easily bored into, so perhaps the nest is more bird-like. I can’t tell.

The baby is cute as a button, and so tiny! It is very fast, too, giving its mother a workout trying to keep up with it. It’s not exactly graceful yet, either. I saw it fall once, bouncing off several branches on its way down before finally catching itself and scrambling back up to mother.


  1. Heather11:19 PM

    Sorry to have missed that, sounds adorable!

  2. I have a squirrel family here at my place. I watched with binoculars as the mom and dad take peanuts from my feeder back to their nest.
    Their nest is high in a beetle-killed spruce where the branches split off and make a vertical 3-pronged fork. They have made a big clump of stuff up there. They've been chewing a cardboard box near my shed, so I think they use the bits for the nest.
    Thanks for tsharing he cute story : ]

  3. Anonymous10:30 AM

    I like it very much!
