Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Best Part of a Vacation

Mother says "The best part about going on vacation is coming home." and I have to say, I tend to agree with her.

Not that I had a bad time, or anything. I really enjoyed my vacation: great people, awesome place, interesting work. Really, it was fantastic.

There's just nothing to beat sleeping in your own bed, you know? Or, better yet, taking a shower in your own bathroom! With water, even. Hot water. Water that washes out all the soap from your hair.

And I get to eat all my comfort foods again: Soup. Fresh baked bread. Tea out of my favorite ceramic mug. Liquid chocolate shared with a good friend.

It almost makes up for the 85-degree temperature drop I experienced in roughly 24 hours.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:24 PM

    So true! Makes one appreciate home!

