Monday, June 19, 2023

Deconstruction Has Begun

The big windstorm back in 2022 took a lot of shingles off our roof, so we had to have a roofer come and replace them once things settled down enough for him to be up there. He discovered that all our shingles needed to be replaced (they are well over 20 years old) so we put that at the top of our List Of Things To Do.

Our roof is quite large, with something like 6,000 feet of acreage up there - so the job is not a small one, and the price tag definitely reflects that. Thankfully the sale of my home in Anchorage gave us a little bit of a cushion in our bank account, so we went ahead and started getting quotes.

We were at first a bit over-zealous, I think. We thought “Hey, while we’re at it, why don’t we go ahead and get solar panels! That would be cool.” Unfortunately that added another $20,000.00 to an already steep price, so we had to give that dream up. We are, however, still getting new rain gutters and a new TV antenna. That we have NOT given up on.

Today is the day that the deconstruction begins. The roofers are up there now, tearing off the od tiles to get a look at the sub-roofing. Hopefully they will not discover any damage and will be able to simply put on the new roof. They have laid tarps down all around the house to protect mother’s plants – but will need to trim back our lilac bush a bit. And they are making quite a bit of noise tromping around up there; but that is to be expected.

Viktor and Naldo are not impressed.

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