Monday, March 16, 2020

The Big Project

I’ve got a big project going on right now that is rather fun. It’s multiple steps, each one a project in its own right.

Step one: go through all my paperback books and pick out the bare minimum number to keep, then give the rest away. And while we’re at it, go through all the rest of my books as well, and weed them out too.

Step two: clean off the bookshelf that’s in the storage room upstairs, finding a logical place for all the stuff that was on it to go so that we can find it all later. Then move all the paperbacks up there that I’ve decided to keep.

 Step three: get new blank DVD cases to put all of Bryan’s movies into. Make covers for them all using colored papers from my craft room, writing the titles in such a way that they are readable when placed on a shelf.

Step four: reorganize all our movies into the bookshelves in the hall (that used to house my paperbacks). Place them in a logical order so we can find movies easily.

Step five: reorganize all our cookbooks, expanding into the shelves that used to house some of our movies, and clean up all the loose papers into binders.

Step six: get new blank CD cases to put all of Bryan’s music into. Make covers for them all using colored papers from my craft room, writing the titles in such a way that they are readable when placed on a shelf.

Step seven: move the tower that used to house movies out of the living room and into our bedroom (and reorganize the bedroom to suit the new furniture), then reorganize all our CDs onto the new bigger tower.

Step eight: find a use for the revolving tower that used to house some of our movies. Perhaps in the craft room? Whatever, I just don’t want to get rid of it.

Currently I’m in the middle of Step three, and I’m really liking how it looks so far. I may have to dip in to Step four, however, while I wait for more blank cases to be delivered. And I haven’t figured out how to make covers for the CD cases yet. The spine is really tiny… not sure if I can legibly write that small.

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