Friday, December 20, 2019

Migraine Attack

Well, I had a lovely experience the other day – and I’m being very sarcastic here. It was not lovely at all.

I woke up around 3:30 in the morning with a severe migraine, so I went upstairs into the craft room to try and sit it out. There’s a chair up there that is relatively comfortable which allows me to “sleep” sitting up, but by 4:30 it was just getting worse.

I went back downstairs then, and told Bryan I needed help. I had him go get my medication for me and monitor me while I took it; it was the first time I’d ever had it and didn’t know what to expect. Sadly it didn’t do a thing, so by 5:30 I had him take me to the emergency room.

The drive over there was a short one, thank god, but it was excruciatingly painful. All those lights coming at me like knives stabbing me in the eyes. I had my hands covering as much of my face as they could the entire way. The lights in the E.R. waiting room weren’t much better, but at least they were stationary and not flying at me.

The wait wasn’t very long at all before a nurse led us back to a curtained-off area and got me set up on the bed. Then a different nurse came in and got me hooked me up to an I.V. bag and containing a cocktail of 3 drugs. I don’t remember exactly what they were; I know one of them was a form of Benadryl, and the other two started with a T and an R. I do know it was VERY uncomfortable and did not make me feel any better at all – at least, not at first.

It took about 2 hours before I eventually felt well enough to go back home again, around 8:30 or so. Once there, I basically slept the rest of the day on the couch.

It was kind of cute: my kittens were very worried about me. Viktor kept coming to check on me, putting his little paw on my face each time. Naldo can’t handle stress, so she pretty much left the room entirely – but I knew she was worried anyway.

I haven’t received the bill yet – that’s a joy left for another day.

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