timing could not have been better from a mental point of view; my sweet little
Djuna had only just passed away and I was still very sad. From a financial
point of view, however, it was not so good. It was another $300.00 added to my
credit card bill after all. But, it was so nice to retreat from the world for a
while and leave all my troubles at home.
drove me out to Wasilla Thursday night after work. I had packed everything up
the day before so I was ready to go almost as soon as I got home from work. It
was hard leaving my Thing, however – she is not taking Djuna’s death very well
at all. Bryan offered to stay at my house to keep her company while I was gone,
so I felt better about that.
we got to the Pioneer Ridge Bed & Breakfast, Bryan helped me haul
everything in and get set up in my room and at my table. He got the grand tour
of the place since he’d never been there – and then headed on back home,
leaving me to my crafting overdose.
were only 5 people there that early, and thankfully my friend Tammy was one of
those people. She and I sat across from each other so we could chat while doing
our craft work; she does actual scrapbooking while I make my cards. Friday
afternoon saw most everybody else arriving, bringing the total attendance up to
around 12 people (give or take a few who came and went).
typical day at a scrapbooking retreat is: I get up at 6 and make my first cup
of tea and then sit down at my table and start crafting. Eventually everybody
else wanders in and joins me, but since they typically don’t go to bed until
the wee hours of the morning, it’s usually a bit later. Lunch is typically
served around noon, which I eat at my table. We all continue to do our crafting
while gossiping about whatever comes to mind and listing to music. Dinner is
served around 6:00 or so, which I eat at my table while others actually gather
at a communal dinner table away from their projects. Eventually, around 10:00,
I head on back to my room to go to bed, only to repeat the process the next
day. Once in a while somebody suggests a walk outside to stretch our legs, but
for the most part I spend my time making cards. And I love it!
time, my total card count came to 42. I came home with only 32 however, since I
actually sold 10 of them there at the retreat.