Saturday, October 05, 2024

Mother's Black Eye

Mother fell the other day and hit her head pretty hard. She also dinged up her wrist pretty good, but the bump to her head was much worse. It swelled up about the size of a hard-boiled egg at first and was quite painful. She spent most of the day laying down with an ice pack on her head.

She refused to go to the ER and would not let me call an Ambulance – but I did eventually get her to go to the Urgent Care with me. Of course, she wouldn’t let them take any x-rays or an MRI, so there was no real way to know for sure if she’d broken anything. They did a neurological exam to see if she had any injuries to her brain, then sent us home with some bandaging for her wrist.

I talked to the doctor while we were there, asking what signs I should look for (slurred speech, droopy and/or weak muscles, etc…) and stayed nearby for the first 24 hours or so. Kelly stopped by as well and chatted with mother for a while. Other than changing out her bandage each day, there’s really not much to do for her.

These pictures show the healing process on her eye: the first picture is 24 hours after the fall, the second picture is 48 hours after, and the third picture is just today, 8 days later. It looks horrible, but is actually doing quite well.

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