Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Social Distancing

It’s our new “normal” I guess.

What does that even mean? It’s an oxymoron, really. How can one be social and yet still be distanced.

Mother is having a hard time with the concept. She understands the concept why people are doing it - and yet, her she still goes out visiting and invites her friends over for coffee. AND THEY COME! How can I keep her safe when she won’t keep herself safe?

For myself, I’ve actually brought my work computer home and have an “office” set up here in the living room. When the architect has work for me to do, he emails the red-lines to me. I can log in to our network remotely to get the drawings I need. Then I just put them back when I’m done and email a new set of PDFs to the architect to check my work. 

Bryan has his office set up back in the bedroom and is busily working away back there. His work is a lot easier to do remotely, so he hasn’t had much of a disruption in the work flow.

This cuts way down on our commute time, that’s for sure! And, coincidentally, it also cuts down on my reading time.

But hey, the cats are ecstatic! Naldo had participated in several work conferences already (Bryan is so happy) while Viktor has staked his claim on my lap permanently.

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