Monday, March 30, 2020

My Second Week Begins

So my second week of working from home commences today. I must admit my first week went better than expected. I truly thought it would be either one big computer frustration after another, or it would be me doing anything BUT work (I have horrible self-discipline at times). But Bryan got my computer up and working, and the guys back at the office figured out how to log in to the network – so I have actually been hard at work.

Viktor is an issue, of course. He insists on sleeping on my lap ALL THE TIME – which makes typing difficult. But he’s relatively tolerant, so I can usually type around him. Thankfully Naldo has chosen Bryan's lap as her napping spot, so I don't have to deal with both kittens.

I thought Mother would be another issue – I’m right out in the living room, and she does love to clean/move furniture around. But she’s been keeping herself occupied either in her room or upstairs in the craft room most of the time, so I don’t even see much of her.

Being “locked up inside all day” is an issue for life in general: this whole Social Distancing thing is hard to take at times. Bryan and I have tried to get out for a walk each day at lunch, but now the wind has picked up so we can’t go outside. So instead, I’ve been doing “stairs” as often as I think of it. It’s not much, but at least it gets me moving.

My weekend was spent over in the other living room, watching Harry Potter movies and Making Cards. I will probably end up with like a million cards before this is over… I made roughly 40 of them just this weekend! Just let me know if you need any cards: I can easily send a dozen or so your way.

As mentioned earlier, we’re currently hit with a rather major wind storm. Palmer blows pretty much all the time – it has to do with the geography of the place - we’re in between three major mountain ranges, all with multiple glaciers which create their own weather patterns. Right now, we have gusts up to 75 mph – which is, I believe, hurricane force! Bryan had to brave the winds last night to go out and repair the roof over our new catio. It’s a temporary fix, but I think it will hold until the winds die down enough for him to do a real fix. Sleep is almost impossible with all the howling going on all night. I keep waiting for a tree to fall on us!

How has your week gone?

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