Sunday, April 02, 2023

Torn Rotator Cuff

I somehow managed to tear some ligaments in my right shoulder which required surgery to repair. Trust me, I was not looking forward to this, having gone through something quite similar already not 10 years ago. But, I do want to be completely healed and healthy by October so I can do my volunteer thing in Argentina – so that at least provides me a “carrot” to aim for in my recovery.

I was pretty nervous the day before, of course (who wouldn’t be) and ended up with a killer migraine to the point where I actually spent the night throwing up all over the place. Poor Bryan followed me around with a bucket and some rags trying to keep me – oh, I don’t know… healthy? Whole? Sane? I was pretty far gone…

I made it through the night however, and showed up at the surgery center on time albeit extremely exhausted and wrung out. The doctors and nurses were all very kind, each one explaining what their roll was going to be in the coming surgery and what I could expect.

I got there at 12:15, pre-op took about an hour or so, I was wheeled in to the surgical room about 2:00 ish, and woke up around 4:30. By 5:30 they released me and Bryan drove me home. Not bad, all things considered.

Recovery has been a lot worse than I expected. I had a nerve block in my shoulder initially, which always messes with me. My skin was super sensitive and as the nerve block wore off my arm would randomly flop around. I was supposed to wear this sling with a big block to position my arm just so – but it really bothered me so I have to admit I didn’t wear it much. I do wear it when I go out, but not if I’m at home.

The bandages they sent me home in had to stay on for 3 days: very itchy and uncomfortable. When we finally got them off, we discovered that I not only have the three little incisions they told me I’d have but I also have a real gnarly looking 2” long incision in my armpit. That one really hurts!

Sleeping has been almost impossible as there just is no such thing as a comfortable position. The first week and a half were spent in my wing-back chair, which Bryan thoughtfully moved into the TV room so I could watch movies. Eventually I felt up to trying to sleep in our actual bed, rolling up a blanket for under my knees in an attempt to keep me from rolling over onto my side. That worked the first night, but by the second night I rolled over anyway and spent the next day in agony.

I’m doing a lot better now. The neve block is completely worn off. My stitches are due to be removed tomorrow. The cut in my armpit is looking better. I may even be able to drive soon!

This last set of pictures was taken just a week after the first set, and you can definitely see improvement!

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