Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Blueberry Picking

Bryan and I did a little bit of blueberry picking while we were off camping this weekend. 

I had hoped for a lot more, but the weather and my health said otherwise. Still, I’m quite happy with what we did manage to get.

I’m thinking we’ll save the 4-cup bag to be used in our sourdough pancakes each Sunday. The 8-cup bag we will use for Blueberry Cordial.

Picking was easy enough. I have seen a lot more berries in past years, but I have also seen a lot less. 

Bending over like that for hours on end sure takes its toll on an older body – I can remember picking berries all day long in my youth…

The season isn't over yet, so we may end up with another chance to pick blueberries this year.