Friday, September 06, 2019

Apples, Apples, Apples!

I got a text the other day from my sister Noel.

“Soooo. Apples may appear on your doorstep. Just sayin.”

I’m thinking a client of hers was a little over-generous! But she was right – apples DID appear on my doorstep. Thankfully only two boxes.

Ha! “Only” 
Just what does one DO with two boxes of apples, each one of which weighs at least 40 pounds?

Why, one makes Apples Sauce! And Apple Butter! And Apple Pie Filling!

We must have canned apples for three days solid… and we still lost about a quarter of the apples by not getting to them soon enough (they spoil right quickly, it seems).

Our pantry is now overstuffed with jars of apples.
It’s a happy thing.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Apple butter! I'll have to make some pretty soon - haven't had it for a couple years!
