Migraine.com is a website I go to quite frequently. It has
good information and enlightening blog posts by people like me who are afflicted
by the little bastards.
Sometimes it’s just nice to know I’m not alone, you
So the other day, somebody posed a question:
If you could make
one symptom magically disappear, which one would it be?
I've been thinking about this; not obsessively or anything, it’s
just been in the back of my mind, quietly simmering and stewing.
Finally, the
other day, the answer just popped into my head:
I would make my Voo-Doo Doll
For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about:
there are times where I could swear somebody has a voo-doo doll of me, and they’re
taking out their frustrations by randomly jabbing me with a needle. The pain is amplified by the time it reaches my body so that it now feels like
a spear has been thrust into various locations all over me and not just in the
head. It’s very random and can strike with no warning, and then vanish again
for no apparent reason only to return again when I least expect it.
Yeah, that’s the one I’d choose to magically disappear.
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