Thursday, February 02, 2012

The Count-Down is ON

OMG! Just one week left before I get on that plane and head south! And south I will go, too: I’ll be well below the equator on this trip. When I was in Africa a few years back, I dipped below the line briefly while in Nairobi, but spent most of the time just this side.

I find that as time gets closer, I am more and more nervous; and not because of all the more obvious reasons you might expect. Like getting bit by a poisonous spider or snake. Or getting lost in the jungle (I have that habit). Or being shot at by an indigenous native who’s never seen a 6-foot tall read headed white girl before. Or, more locally, being kidnapped by slave traders in Miami.

No, what I’m nervous about is leaving my girls behind.

He promises to take care of them, and I know he will. But I worry that he’ll forget, because he does do that quite often. I also worry that he’ll not do things properly. Thing likes her food just so. And Djuna likes her electric blanket positioned in just the right spot on the bed. What if he gets it all wrong?

Oh, there are a million things that could happen while I’m gone. What if my house burns down? What if a horrible accident occurs and a family member is killed? What if He is killed and no one knows to take over feeding my girls!?! What if a natural disaster strikes and the girls run away and are freezing and scared all by themselves out there in the big bad world?

Shoot… it almost makes me not want to go, just thinking about it all.
Nah… not really. I’m going – and they’ll be fine.

Everybody will be fine.


  1. You better go! The girls will be fine. More importantly, you'll have a fabulous time. If anything goes wrong, you know where he lives. And maybe you'll make some helpful acquaintances while you're keeping yourself from being kidnapped...

  2. Cathy3:30 AM

    I think the natives are more likely to make you their Goddess than shoot you! I know what you mean about your Fur-Babies - it's one of the reasons Martin and I tend to take separate holidays - but I'm sure they'll be fine.
