Back in 1995, our friend Lisa was getting married in Los Angeles and my sister Noel was the Maid of Honor. So, my sister and her husband packed up their two kids and headed down to LA for a family vacation. I went with them for two reasons: one, Lisa is a friend of mine as well; and two, I do double duty as Sherpa, carrying all of the coats, purses, totes, and whatnot that accompany a young family of 4. It’s actually a pretty cool system: Hank watches over Katy, Noel watches over Lauren, and I carry things.
There’s a lot of prep that goes in to such a big production of course, so I babysat with the girls (then aged 6 and 4) quite a bit. I love my nieces, however, so it was fine. The wedding was amazing, of course, with a beautiful bride and a loving groom. A night of dancing and celebration followed the ceremony, after which Noel, her family, and I set off to see the sights of the city.
We went to Disney Land, of course, as well as Knotts Berry Farm, The Wax Museum, and various other tourist sites - the most memorable of which was Sea World. Back then they still had the captive orcas, with their star attraction being Shamu. We arrived just moments before the Shamu Show started, so headed right over to the arena to get our seats.
I distinctly remember Noel suggesting that we sit in the Splash Zone, but that we shouldn’t tell the girls what that meant. She was always one for a good practical joke, and this seemed a harmless one. So, we found five good seats down in the front and claimed them before sending Hank off to buy some snacks for everyone. He came back moments later with hamburgers for everyone (mine was a chicken burger) and we all settled down to munch on them while watching the show.
We hadn’t gotten more than two or three bites before Shamu demonstrated exactly what they meant by the term Splash Zone. The amount of water she splashed on us was truly amazing. We were completely soaked in mere seconds! Like, totally drenched. I remember seeing both Kate and Lauren sitting looking like the entire ocean had just been dumped over their heads. They were still holding their hamburgers in their hands except that the bread had been completely dissolved so all they had in their hands was the beef patty with a limp piece of lettuce. Both of them were just stunned, sitting there trying to figure out what had just happened.
Noel took one look at them and just burst out laughing. She was laughing so hard, she could barely breath. Which of course means that I was laughing just as hard (she always has that effect on me). Both of us were trying to mop the girls up a bit, but kept laughing so hard we were almost crying. Hank was trying to rescue our gear and what not (our poor cameras!) and the two girls were still trying to wrap their little brains around the fact that they were completely soaked through.
Katy got so mad, as only Katy can do. She just kept saying “That was not funny.” for the rest of the entire day. “That. Was NOT. Funny.” Which of course just made Noel and I laugh all the harder.
Noel’s little practical joke ended up costing quite a bit of money, actually. They had to buy the girls a complete set of sweatpants because they were shivering from all the water that had been dumped on them!
worth it.